Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Wine and Cookies and…. the porcelain god.                                                                                        

I might have a tad of OCD… so I’ve been told.  I haven’t firmly accepted it, but I have to admit there might be a sign.. or two.  I could argue that I’m still cool with the alphabetical order of the letters OCD, so there’s that!  In Sunday School this week, we discussed false idols.  I guess we can turn anything into an idol... a person, a job, a car, house, social standing, grandchildren (don’t go to meddlin’), money, pets… the list is endless.  Doesn’t mean these things are bad, but I'm just saying that sometimes our own idols are really hard to spot.

My name is Charlene.  I have an idol.  I came to terms with it Sunday afternoon.  It’s porcelain.  You see, I am obsessed with a clean toilet.  It makes me crazy to walk into a bathroom where the toilet isn’t clean.  I just want to bust out the bleach and go at it, all the while yelling at the people who don’t take a minute to clean up after themselves, even if they can’t hear me or don’t know it’s them.  I’m sure I need the 12-step program.  “Toilet Idolatry”: It has a name.  I should feel shame.  I’m convinced that failure to clean the toilet when you are done may cause a buildup that will surely throw the earth out of orbit and plunge us into the sun!

I read recently that in one of the deeply rural areas of India, the residents inaugurated a newly built toilet by performing a ritual worship ceremony.  They actually covered the seat with flowers and gave offerings of coconut and bananas to the God of toilets!  And they don’t want to use it because they don’t want to get it dirty!  I can relate to these people!  These people make perfect sense to me!
I was always taught that cleanliness is next to godliness and I know there were years, when my kids were littles, that I spent far more time playing than cleaning toilets.  I digress.  Today, I was curious where it actually says “Cleanliness is next to godliness” in the bible.  After all, being clean is a sign of spiritual goodness, right? So I looked and searched and the phrase isn’t actually even in the bible.  It was from a John Wesley sermon in 1778, BUT there’s a plethora of scriptures that support it.  My favorite is in Ecclesiastes 9:8, where Solomon advises that we should always keep our clothes and bodies clean and smelling well.  Hint. Hint.

And then there’s Mary and Martha.  That lesson should be Step 2 in my 12 step program.  I’m VERY Martha and I wanna be more Mary, but there’s that toilet thing that keeps getting in my way.  Somebody told me that a home should be clean enough to be healthy and dirty enough to be happy.  I like the first half of that comment, really.  After all, 1 Corinthians 14:40 reminds us that “all things should be done decently and in order.”  And I’m convinced that includes cleaning toilets.  When I enter my heavenly home, I firmly believe that I will find the ultimate “House Beautiful”, where the vacuum runs itself and the mop glides along the floor without any assistance from me and the toilets clean themselves… and since my home should be an earthly picture of the heavenly pattern, I am motivated to keep a clean toilet!

But, for now, I’m going to try not to obsess over it to a point of anger… strive not to make it a porcelain god, struggle not to freak out when there’s a spot on it… endeavor not to make it an idol.   And while I fight vigorously and resist the urge to grab the bleach, I leave you with one of my favorite all time quotes:

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Wine and Cookies... and a perfect purpose?

My favorite time of the year is Camp Nana time.  It's a crazy, quirky, funny, messy, imperfect time of pleasure.  Admittedly, I don't like clutter.  I like for everything to have a place and be in it.  And it only takes about 2 days of Camp Nana's for pillows to become forts, for bar tops to become Barbie runways, for ottomans to become movie seats, and for coffee tables to become staging areas for the next big adventure.  And right now, I look around and see evidence that when you are 4 and 7, perfectly straight is not at the top of your list of priorities... In fact, it's not in the list at all.... and I wonder if my house will ever be straight again.

I smile when I think of June Cleaver (dating myself here)... Somewhere along the way, we moved from just keeping a tidy house, wearing an apron, cooking square meals, and giving hugs.  Moms these days (proud of you, Amber) try to be the Martha Stewart of motherhood.... make sure the kids are physically healthy, emotionally fulfilled, their lunchboxes and dinner plates are full of the best nutrition, their weekends and weekday evenings are busy with enriching experiences.... all while holding down a full-time career.  And it's messy.  And it's not perfect.  But there's purpose.

You see... purpose isn't perfection.  I know that the idea of God using imperfect people isn't anything new. We've all heard the sermons.  There's a part of me that wants to be perfect... but I'm just as messy as everyone else.  Thank goodness God doesn't wait around for perfection nor even expect it.  The bible has story after story of how God used imperfect, messy people:  Jacob was a lier, Moses couldn't speak, David was a murderer, Rahab was a prostitute...  But they were all remembered in Hebrews 11 for their faithfulness. They were called, they obeyed, they conquered, they gained strength after weakeness, but the bible NEVER says they did it perfectly.  And right now, in this chapter, God is using me as a Nana... to love and be loved... and it makes my heart melt.... and I thank Him every day for using me in my messy-ness and giving me another chance to get it right.

And I know we are never perfect on earth, no matter how hard we try. God never says that every circumstance will be perfect or even good.  What He promises us is that He is faithful and that when we put our trust in Him, all things will work out for the good... not because of anything we can do, but because of who He is. 

The girls are having a sleepover at Memaw's house tonight and they were very excited.  They took a plethura of "stuff" with them so they could mess up her house a little too.  And as I look around, I blink because I know that in just 4 days, they will head back to Houston and all this mess will be another Camp Nana memory... and maybe in a week or two, after the tissue runs out, I'll clean it all up and wipe the fingerprints off the stainless and the nose prints off the windows.  Maybe.  And I'll know that THIS purpose WAS as perfect as I could make it.  And God will look at me and not even see the messy-ness, but will see the space in my heart where He can shine through this old Nana.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

and my own back yard... er... um.. South 40

Yesterday, Brad and I drove to Dallas to a beautiful Arboretum located next to a wonderful lake.  Completely surrounded by beauty, we found ways with the help of water features, shade, mist, and caramel mocha lattes to keep cool and forget that it was the dog days of summer.  You don't have to describe beauty to appreciate beauty.  You just have to experience it. It seems like beauty has become isolated from today's world... isolated by Glamour Magazine or Supermodels or images of the perfect body, hair, and clothes.  But if you think of beauty as an experience, it draws you outside of the shallow world into the realm of nature and God's amazing world around us.  I love to find treasure in the everyday.  Experiences are all around us, everywhere we look.

Brad has now started our very own arboretum on the South 40, albeit more of a "nature trail".  And I like it that way.  He and his tractor and tools have been etching away a trail so that we can enjoy the hill that makes up the back of our property.  It's a transformation and I love it.  My camera and I walked it today, following our outing yesterday and discovered... that you don't have to drive all the way to Dallas to get in touch with nature.  God and Brad can  help you do that in your own back yard... True beauty is bound within the nature of God, even transforming what appears useless into something very useful and amazing. And I was gently reminded today by the birds and nature on the South 40... that in the very same way, God transforms us by his Grace.

Genesis 1:31 - And God saw everything that he had made, and, behold, it was very good.... 

Enjoy the pics from the South 40 today:  This is the start of the trail from the back of our house.

Not sure if this is a sign of Fall or just from the drought, but some of the leaves were starting to turn.

These sweet little wildflowers grow only in the full sun and it amazes me how they grow without care.

I'm not sure what these are, but they are everywhere and turn purple!  You know I love purple!

Here are some that have already turned purple...

There's a Y in the trail... He's not finished with that side yet...

Brad came up to make sure I was ok... Guess I was gone for a while... it was so peaceful...

This little leaf didn't plan to be this way... I'm sure a very hungry caterpillar helped himself... but it looked lacy and pretty to me...

These were much redder than they appear in this picture... so cool....

I love to practice focusing with my camera... Sometimes I get it right....

Looking up... stretching to the sun... isn't it amazing how things grow towards the sun?

I love dogwood trees... we have many of them... And I especially love to look up into them, like I'm under some wonderful natural umbrella...

I've been looking for some bamboo to make a ladybug home. I found this hollow piece of bark.  It will be perfect...

Tip top of a crepe myrtle... also reaching for the sun...

I almost got tangled with this little guy... He didn't act too bothered by me...

And here he is from the other side... I think he was watching me.... I'm not sure...

Yep, God is in the habit of making things beautiful.  If you wanna talk a walk on the South 40, just let me know.



Tuesday, August 20, 2013

... a visit to the Bead Monkey

Bead Monkey is an amazing little shop in Mineola.  It's tucked quietly away behind another store on Johnson Street.  Sherry takes old, discarded jewelry and turns it into wonderful new pieces with beads and baubles and bling.  You can go in and pick... and match... and create wonderful "one of a kind" pieces.  Whenever I go in, I spend a lot of time looking at the intricacies of the tiny beads and exploring all the colorful choices and trying to imagine what the perfect combination should be.

And I think... God must surely enjoy taking the broken pieces of our lives and arranging them into His own masterful art of mankind.  From the pages of the Old Testament to the pages o the New Testament, Scripture records over and over what God has done in the hearts and lives and affairs of man.  Life moves in cycles.  It has ups and downs; it arranges itself into peaks and valleys.  Some days we're on top; other days we're way at the bottom.

The point is... that normal living, with all of its stress, problems, and crazy pace ages us and the only way we can survive it is to practice the peace of God and let Him put us back together in a brand new way every morning. 

Just as Sherry, in her tiny shop in Mineola, Texas, turns old into new, God turns evil into good, mistakes into miracles, and messy into tidy... with Grace and with a brand new chance, every day, to get it right.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. (Romans 8:28)
If you are in Mineola, stop in at Bead Monkey.  You can find her on facebook at:  Tx. Bead Monkey.



For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)